ILA Staff

Presently the Academy is under the command of the Secretary General Office.

Secretary General of the LAZARUS UNION
Oliver M. Gruber Lavin FRSA MBCS
Academico Correspondente International
The sientific leader of the academy and Dean is Deputy Secretary General
Prof.(FH) Dipl.Ing. Herbert Paulis
and he is also chairman of the “Advisory Council of the Academy“.
Vice Chaiman and Deputy Dean
Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c. Lothar Gellert
The members of the “Advisory Council of the Academy” are:
Chaiman and Dean
Prof.(FH) Dipl.Ing. Herbert Paulis
Up from 12.10.2016
gerhard-steinmetz Vice Chaiman and Deputy Dean
Prof. Mag. Gerhard Steinmetz MSc  + died 6th November 2016
Vice Chaiman and Deputy Dean
Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c. Lothar Gellert
Josef M. Schramm in CSLI-Uniform Chairman emeritus
Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr. Josef-Michael Schramm
Till 11.10.2016
Prof. MMMag. Dr. Alexander Wolfgang Wallinger MIM MBA
Prof. Dr. Antonio Virgili
Univ.-Lektor Gabriel Halát, FA f. Unfallchirurgie